This post will show you how to choose your content management system.

In the post I wrote about beginner blogging terms, I explained what a content management system (CMS) means.

To choose your CMS, here are things to bear in mind.


As a beginner, cost is very important. You don’t know how long you will be in this so it’s best to minimize your expenses. A CMS that will cost you an arm and a leg will not be the best option for you. There are a lot of free as well as paid CMS at your service.

This is why I suggest using WordPress from the start until you have decided to go in for the long haul. Then you can recruit a developer to probably redesign your blog or move your blog from WordPress to any advanced CMS you can afford.

Content Management System (CMS)Content-Type.


The type of content you which to publish determines the CMS you use. Is it a Video site (Vlog), Audio site (PodCast), Text/Image site(Blog), or do you want multiple posts from different people like a Forum? You decide.

Content Purpose.

The content purpose determines the CMS most suitable for you. Do you want to entertain, inform, educate, or sell things?

While WordPress is a bit multipurpose for you, if your website is all about e-commerce, Shopify, Magento, etc will be better for you. Note that Shopify is not free. You will have to pay a monthly or annual subscription to use it.

A free alternative for an e-commerce website will be to install WordPress and add a Woocommerce plugin to it.

CMS for hosting educational courses includes Moodle, Chamilo, ATutor, Omeka, etc. You can still install WordPress and add the plugin for hosting courses on it.

CMS for hosting music/audio includes Podcast Generator, Impleo, etc. You can still install WordPress and add the plugin for music on it.


CMS for hosting videos includes ClipBucket, etc. You can still install WordPress and add the plugin for videos on it.

CMS for hosting forums includes phpBB, bbPress, MyBB, etc. You can still install WordPress and add the plugin for forums on it.

Find a suitable platform for you and install it on your hosting.

Coder efficiency.

Can you code? Can you edit the coding language efficiently? If this is you, you will choose a CMS that allows the liberty of editing the whole coding language or maybe even writing the code from scratch.

Examples of such CMS will include Joomla, Drupal, etc.



Now that you know how to choose your choose your content management system, let’s go to the next steps.

Step 6: Install Your WordPress.

Step 7: How to Set up WordPress as your CMS.

Step 8: Install Your Blog Theme.


Happy blogging…